2 Swords Tactical Talks
Taking place on Zoom; Friday, November 12th from 7:00-7:30pm ET: 2 Swords Owner, Mark Major, will speak briefly on a gun ownership topic and then take questions directly from those attending. The topic for the November 10th Talk will be focused on women who own or are interested owning a firearm. If you have suggestions please use the fields below to let us know. There will also be a raffle for a 2 Swords gift certificate at the end of the talk. You must be present to win. It is free to attend, simply use the information below at the date & time mentioned above:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 1754 4847
Passcode: 903755
If you sign up with us below we will keep you informed of future Tactical Talks and you can also let us know if you have any questions in advance.