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  • on orders over $1000


By clicking “place order” I agree to the statements below, as well as 2-Swords Tactical & Defense, LLC’s Terms of USE:

  1. I am over 21
  2. I am not prohibited from legally purchasing /possessing any of the following products that may be in my cart:
    1. Ammunition
    2. Replica guns
    3. Knives or edged weapons of a certain length
    4. Pepper spray
    5. Taser or stun guns
    6. High capacity magazines
  3. I understand that discharging, cleaning, or handling ammunition and/or firearms can cause exposure to lead.
  4. I understand that it is illegal to own or possess certain item is some areas. It is my responsibility to check local and state laws to ensure the items in my cart are acceptable to own and possess. 2-Swords does not ship to the following states: NY, CA, IL, NJ, PA, MA, and CO.
  5. I understand that ammo and firearms are non-refundable. Once I have taken possession of the firearm, it is my responsibility to contact the manufacturer directly regarding any defects, damage, or warranty issues associate with the firearm that was purchased.
  6. I understand that the order cannot be cancelled once I click “place order.” And I agree that any return is subject to restocking and return shipping fees.
  7. I understand that I am responsible for choosing a local FFL dealer for any firearm transfer, and providing that information to 2-Swords Tactical & Defense, LLC for the shipment location. Furthermore, I agree to verify my chosen FFL’s fees and requirements, prior to having any order shipped to their establishment.